Photography 14 Weeks - Starts- September 2025


Taught by Dorothy Johnston 


10:00 - 11:00 grades 6 - 12  



Students will be learning camera basics with emphasis on key elements like Aperture, Shutter speed and Depth of field. We'll learn how each are key to creating the perfect digital image.

Clear Lake 2nd Grade Class Tour

Clear Lake 2nd Grade Class Tour

Each lesson will conclude with an interactive demonstration to use / see each technique in action. We'll explore and learn the different options in lens and how/when to use each. Students will learn the art of composing and image, conveying/ capturing movement and also touch on the color and light. They will see how all these lessons play an important part in creating effective interesting images in photography.

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To Register

To sign up your student please download our registration form, complete and mail or drop off to our studio before the sign up registration deadline given by the Oxford Virtual Academy.

Please feel free to call us with any questions, we'd love help you :)